Why NATHURAM GODSE Killed Gandhi..
Godse is often a misunderstood character. He is referred to as a Hindu fanatic. It is often hard to understand Godse because the Government of India had suppressed information about him. His court statements, letters etc. were all banned from the public until recently. Judging from his writings one thing becomes very clear – He was no fanatic. His court statements are very well read out and indicate a calm and collected mental disposition. He never even once speaks ill about Gandhi as a person, but only attacks Gandhi’s policies which caused ruin and untold misery to Hindus. Another interesting point to note is that Godse had been working with the Hindu refugees fleeing from Pakistan. He had seen the horrible atrocities committed on them. Many women had their hands cut off, nose cut off, even little girls had been raped mercilessly. Despite this Godse did not harm even single Muslim in India which he could easily have. So it would be a grave mistake to call him a Hindu fanatic.
Let us start by studying the motive behind Godse’s act. By seeing the nature of the assassination in public space and Godse’s act of turning himself over to the Police, we can see that Godse did not do this for personal reasons. He very well knew that he would be hanged and his name would be disgraced as Gandhi was considered a saint. And again Godse could have ran away and escaped punishment. But he did the reverse. He called a police officer and courted arrest. Before we proceed it would be wise to understand the backdrop of the assassination.
The central government had taken a decision — Pakistan will not be given Rs 55 crores. On January 13 Gandhi started a fast unto death that Pakistan must be given the money. On January 13, the central government changed its earlier decision and announced that Pakistan would be given the amount. On January 13, Nathuram decided to assassinate Gandhi.
Nathuram Godse was a learned man, very sharp and intelligent – editor of “Agrani” (one of the most famous newspaper of that time – with Nana Aapte). In his last editorial of “Agrani” which he changed overnight – he said “Gandhi must be stopped – at any cost” and he justified why Gandhiji’s assassination was not only inevitable but also a delayed action, sth tht shud’ve happened LONG AGO.
In Nathuram’s words - “ I don’t refute Gandhi’s theory of non-violence. He may be a saint but he is not a politician. His theory of non-violence denies self-defence and self-interest. The non-violence that defines the fight for survival as violence is a theory not of non-violence but of self-destruction.The division of the nation was an unnecessary decision. What was the percentage of the Muslim population as compared to the population of the nation? There was no need for a separate nation. Had it been a just demand, Maulana Azad would not have stayed back in India. But because Jinnah insisted and because Gandhi took his side, India was divided, in spite of opposition from the nation, the Cabinet. An individual is never greater than a nation.
In a democracy you cannot put forward your demands at knife-point. Jinnah did it and Gandhi stabbed the nation with the same knife. He dissected the land and gave a piece to Pakistan. We did picket that time but in vain. The Father of our Nation went to perform his paternal duties for Pakistan! Gandhi blackmailed the cabinet with his fast unto death. His body, his threats to die are causing the destruction — geographical as well as economical — of the nation. Today, Muslims have taken a part of the nation, tomorrow Sikhs may ask for Punjab. The religions are again dividend into castes, they will demand sub-divisions of the divisions. What remains of the concept of one nation, national integration? Why did we fight the British in unison for independence? Why not separately? Bhagat Singh did not ask only for an independent Punjab or Subhash Chandra Bose for an independent Bengal?
I am going to assassinate him in the open, before the public, because I am going to do it as my duty. If I do it surreptitiously, it becomes a crime in my own eyes. I will not try to escape, I will surrender and naturally I will be hanged. One assassination, one hanging. I don’t want two executions for one assassination and I don’t want your involvement, participation or company. (This was for Nana-Apte and Veer Savarkar as they were against ghandhi’s policies too, Godse wanted to assassinate gandhi all by himself and took promise from Nana Apte that he will continue helping Veer Savarkar in rebuilding India as a strong free nation.)
On January 30, I reached Birla Bhavan at 12 pm. Gandhi was sitting outside on a cot enjoying the sunshine. Vallabhbhai Patel’s granddaughter was sitting at his feet. I had the revolver with me. I could have assassinated him easily then, but I was convinced that his assassination was to be a punishment and a sentence against him, and I would execute him. I wanted witnesses for the execution but there were none. I did not want to escape after the execution as there was not an iota of guilt in my mind. I wanted to surrender, but surrender to whom? There was a good crowd to collect for the evening prayers. I decided on the evening of January 30 as the date for Gandhi’s execution.
Gandhi climbed the steps and came forward. He had kept his hands on the shoulders of the two girls. I wanted just three seconds more. I moved two steps forward and faced Gandhi. Now I wanted to take out the revolver and salute him for whatever sacrifice and service he had made for the nation. One of the two girls was dangerously close to Gandhi and I was afraid that she might be injured in the course of firing. As a precautionary measure I went one more step ahead, bowed before him and gently pushed the girl away from the firing line. The next moment I fired at Gandhi. Gandhi was very weak, there was a feeble sound like ‘aah’ (There are proof that Gandhi did NOT say “Hey Raam” at that time – it’s just made up stuff ) from him and he fell down.
After the firing I raised my hand holding the revolver and shouted, ‘Police, police’. For 30 seconds nobody came forward and I scanned the crowd. I saw a police officer. I signalled to him to come forward and arrest me. He came and caught my wrist, then a second man came and touched the revolver… I let it go…”
This is Nathuram Godse’s speech in court.
Born in a devotional Brahmin family, I instinctively came to revere Hindu religion, Hindu history and Hindu culture. I had, therefore, been intensely proud of Hinduism as a whole. As I grew up I developed a tendency to free thinking unfettered by any superstitious allegiance to any isms, political or religious. That is why I worked actively for the eradication of untouchability and the caste system based on birth alone. I openly joined anti-caste movements and maintained that all Hindus were of equal status as to rights, social and religious and should be considered high or low on merit alone and not through the accident of birth in a particular caste or profession. I used publicly to take part in organized anti-caste dinners in which thousands of Hindus, Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, Chamars and Bhangis participated. We broke the caste rules and dined in the company of each other.I have read the speeches and writings of Dadabhai Nairoji, Vivekanand, Gokhale, Tilak, along with the books of ancient and modern history of India and some prominent countries like England, France, America and’ Russia. Moreover I studied the tenets of Socialism and Marxism. But above all I studied very closely whatever Veer Savarkar and Gandhiji had written and spoken, as to my mind these two ideologies have contributed more to the moulding of the thought and action of the Indian people during the last thirty years or so, than any other single factor has done.
All this reading and thinking led me to believe it was my first duty to serve Hindudom and Hindus both as a patriot and as a world citizen. To secure the freedom and to safeguard the just interests of some thirty crores (300 million) of Hindus would automatically constitute the freedom and the well being of all India, one fifth of human race. This conviction led me naturally to devote myself to the Hindu Sanghtanist ideology and programme, which alone, I came to believe, could win and preserve the national independence of Hindustan, my Motherland, and enable her to render true service to humanity as well.
Since the year 1920, that is, after the demise of Lokamanya Tilak, Gandhiji’s influence in the Congress first increased and then became supreme. His activities for public awakening were phenomenal in their intensity and were reinforced by the slogan of truth and non-violence, which he paraded ostentatiously before the country. No sensible or enlightened person could object to those slogans. In fact there is nothing new or original in them. They are implicit in every constitutional public movement. But it is nothing but a mere dream if you imagine that the bulk of mankind is, or can ever become, capable of scrupulous adherence to these lofty principles in its normal life from day to day. In fact, honour, duty and love of one’s own kith and kin and country might often compel us to disregard non-violence and to use force. I could never conceive that an armed resistance to an aggression is unjust. I would consider it a religious and moral duty to resist and, if possible, to overpower such an enemy by use of force. [In the Ramayana] Rama killed Ravana in a tumultuous fight and relieved Sita. [In the Mahabharata], Krishna killed Kansa to end his wickedness; and Arjuna had to fight and slay quite a number of his friends and relations including the revered Bhishma because the latter was on the side of the aggressor. It is my firm belief that in dubbing Rama, Krishna and Arjuna as guilty of violence, the Mahatma betrayed a total ignorance of the springs of human action.
In more recent history, it was the heroic fight put up by Chhatrapati Shivaji that first checked and eventually destroyed the Muslim tyranny in India. It was absolutely essentially for Shivaji to overpower and kill an aggressive Afzal Khan, failing which he would have lost his own life. In condemning history’s towering warriors like Shivaji, Rana Pratap and Guru Gobind Singh as misguided patriots, Gandhiji has merely exposed his self-conceit. He was, paradoxical, as it may appear, a violent pacifist who brought untold calamities on the country in the name of truth and non-violence, while Rana Pratap, Shivaji and the Guru will remain enshrined in the hearts of their countrymen forever for the freedom they brought to them.
The accumulating provocation of thirty-two years, culminating in his last pro-Muslim fast, at last goaded me to the conclusion that the existence of Gandhi should be brought to an end immediately. Gandhi had done very well in South Africa to uphold the rights and well being of the Indian community there. But when he finally returned to India he developed a subjective mentality under which he alone was to be the final judge of what was right or wrong. If the country wanted his leadership, it had to accept his infallibility; if it did not, he would stand aloof from the Congress and carry on his own way. Against such an attitude there can be no halfway house. Either Congress had to surrender its will to his and had to be content with playing second fiddle to all his eccentricity, whimsicality, metaphysics and primitive vision, or it had to carry on without him. He alone was the Judge of everyone and everything; he was the master brain guiding the civil disobedience movement; no other could know the technique of that movement. He alone knew when to begin and when to withdraw it. The movement might succeed or fail, it might bring untold disaster and political reverses but that could make no difference to the Mahatma’s infallibility. ‘A Satyagrahi can never fail’ was his formula for declaring his own infallibility and nobody except himself knew what a Satyagrahi is.
Thus, the Mahatma became the judge and jury in his own cause. These childish insanities and obstinacies, coupled with a most severe austerity of life, ceaseless work and lofty character made Gandhi formidable and irresistible. Many people thought that his politics were irrational but they had either to withdraw from the Congress or place their intelligence at his feet to do with, as he liked. In a position of such absolute irresponsibility Gandhi was guilty of blunder after blunder, failure after failure, disaster after disaster.
Gandhi’s pro-Muslim policy is blatantly in his perverse attitude on the question of the national language of India. It is quite obvious that Hindi has the most prior claim to be accepted as the premier language. In the beginning of his career in India, Gandhi gave a great impetus to Hindi but as he found that the Muslims did not like it, he became a champion of what is called Hindustani. Everybody in India knows that there is no language called Hindustani; it has no grammar; it has no vocabulary. It is a mere dialect; it is spoken, but not written. It is a bastard tongue and crossbreed between Hindi and Urdu, and not even the Mahatma’s sophistry could make it popular. But in his desire to please the Muslims he insisted that Hindustani alone should be the national language of India. His blind followers, of course, supported him and the so-called hybrid language began to be used. The charm and purity of the Hindi language was to be prostituted to please the Muslims. All his experiments were at the expense of the Hindus.
From August 1946 onwards the private armies of the Muslim League began a massacre of the Hindus. The then Viceroy, Lord Wavell, though distressed at what was happening, would not use his powers under the Government of India Act of 1935 to prevent the rape, murder and arson. The Hindu blood began to flow from Bengal to Karachi with some retaliation by the Hindus. The Interim Government formed in September was sabotaged by its Muslim League members right from its inception, but the more they became disloyal and treasonable to the government of which they were a part, the greater was Gandhi’s infatuation for them. Lord Wavell had to resign as he could not bring about a settlement and he was succeeded by Lord Mountbatten. King Log was followed by King Stork.
The Congress, which had boasted of its nationalism and socialism, secretly accepted Pakistan literally at the point of the bayonet and abjectly surrendered to Jinnah. India was vivisected and one-third of the Indian territory became foreign land to us from August 15, 1947. Lord Mountbatten came to be described in Congress circles as the greatest Viceroy and Governor-General this country ever had. The official date for handing over power was fixed for June 30, 1948, but Mountbatten with his ruthless surgery gave us a gift of vivisected India ten months in advance. This is what Gandhi had achieved after thirty years of undisputed dictatorship and this is what Congress party calls ‘freedom’ and ‘peaceful transfer of power’. The Hindu-Muslim unity bubble was finally burst and a theocratic state was established with the consent of Nehru and his crowd and they have called ‘freedom won by them with sacrifice’ – whose sacrifice? When top leaders of Congress, with the consent of Gandhi, divided and tore the country – which we consider a deity of worship – my mind was filled with direful anger.
One of the conditions imposed by Gandhi for his breaking of the fast unto death related to the mosques in Delhi occupied by the Hindu refugees. But when Hindus in Pakistan were subjected to violent attacks he did not so much as utter a single word to protest and censure the Pakistan Government or the Muslims concerned. Gandhi was shrewd enough to know that while undertaking a fast unto death, had he imposed for its break some condition on the Muslims in Pakistan, there would have been found hardly any Muslims who could have shown some grief if the fast had ended in his death. It was for this reason that he purposely avoided imposing any condition on the Muslims. He was fully aware of from the experience that Jinnah was not at all perturbed or influenced by his fast and the Muslim League hardly attached any value to the inner voice of Gandhi.
Gandhi is being referred to as the Father of the Nation. But if that is so, he had failed his paternal duty inasmuch as he has acted very treacherously to the nation by his consenting to the partitioning of it. I stoutly maintain that Gandhi has failed in his duty. He has proved to be the Father of Pakistan. His inner-voice, his spiritual power and his doctrine of non-violence of which so much is made of, all crumbled before Jinnah’s iron will and proved to be powerless.
Briefly speaking, I thought to myself and foresaw I shall be totally ruined, and the only thing I could expect from the people would be nothing but hatred and that I shall have lost all my honour, even more valuable than my life, if I were to kill Gandhiji. But at the same time I felt that the Indian politics in the absence of Gandhiji would surely be proved practical, able to retaliate, and would be powerful with armed forces. No doubt, my own future would be totally ruined, but the nation would be saved from the inroads of Pakistan. People may even call me and dub me as devoid of any sense or foolish, but the nation would be free to follow the course founded on the reason which I consider to be necessary for sound nation-building. After having fully considered the question, I took the final decision in the matter, but I did not speak about it to anyone whatsoever. I took courage in both my hands and I did fire the shots at Gandhiji on 30th January 1948, on the prayer-grounds of Birla House.
I do say that my shots were fired at the person whose policy and action had brought rack and ruin and destruction to millions of Hindus. There was no legal machinery by which such an offender could be brought to book and for this reason I fired those fatal shots.
I bear no ill will towards anyone individually but I do say that I had no respect for the present government owing to their policy, which was unfairly favourable towards the Muslims. But at the same time I could clearly see that the policy was entirely due to the presence of Gandhi. I have to say with great regret that Prime Minister Nehru quite forgets that his preachings and deeds are at times at variances with each other when he talks about India as a secular state in season and out of season, because it is significant to note that Nehru has played a leading role in the establishment of the theocratic state of Pakistan, and his job was made easier by Gandhi’s persistent policy of appeasement towards the Muslims.
I now stand before the court to accept the full share of my responsibility for what I have done and the judge would, of course, pass against me such orders of sentence as may be considered proper. But I would like to add that I do not desire any mercy to be shown to me, nor do I wish that anyone else should beg for mercy on my behalf. My confidence about the moral side of my action has not been shaken even by the criticism levelled against it on all sides. I have no doubt that honest writers of history will weigh my act and find the true value thereof some day in future......
its upto us to belive it or not..i wish them to reincarnate n explain to us everything...i sincerely do...every story has its flip sides!!!...i wd like to get ur views on it...start jotting it down in black and white...!!!
QuOd eSt nEcEsSaRiUm EsT LiCiTuM
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
EUREKA EUREKA!!!! i found the true freaks i have searchin for ages...
according to the recent study by two freaks+ economists=freakonomists,from australia has placed virendra sehwag and rahul dravid ahead of the mighty SACHIN RAMESH TENDULKAR..
SINCE WHEN HAVE ECONOMISTS TURNED INTO CONNOISSEURS OF THE GAME..when riders of the cricket- coutney walsh, fierce lukin ambrose,the bully glen macgrath...RAWALPINDI EXPRESS SHOIB AKHTAR, was at their peaks..this man sachin tamed them...HIS WILLOW ALWAYS STOOD TALL...he is an outlaw who always upped his ante...
lets see what shane warne has to say about him after he placed him at the top of his rankings...
“You have to watch India in India truly to appreciate the pressure that Sachin Tendulkar is under every time he bats. Outside grounds, people wait until he goes in before paying to enter. They seem to want a wicket to fall even though it is their own side that will suffer. This is cricket as Sachin has known it since the age of 16. He grew up under incredible weight of expectation and never buckled once – not under poor umpiring decisions or anything else. I place him very slightly ahead of Lara because I found him slightly tougher mentally.”....
“Beneath the helmet, under that unruly curly hair, inside the cranium, there is something we don’t know, something beyond scientific measure. Something that allows him to soar, to roam a territory of sport that, forget us, even those who are gifted enough to play alongside him cannot even fathom. When he goes out to bat, people switch on their television sets and switch off their lives.” –BBC Sports, on Sachin Tendulkar.
goosebumps...adrenaline....and true as rain!!!
as for sehwag and sachin...you cant compare god and human....can you????
Ranking is Mostly based on averages, Eg: Avg(2+3+3) = 2.66 and Avg of (0+0+8)=2.66,who is better???i dont need to explain this average analogy rite??....so mr economists please count the financial policies...thats your job....there is much more complexities involved in game of cricket...and it increases manifolds when sachin handles his willow on ground...dont do such stupid calculations man!!!!
o sachin o sachin wherevr is thy placed on such odios lists...you will be the THE YARDSTICK of cricket for ages to come...amen!!!
according to the recent study by two freaks+ economists=freakonomists,from australia has placed virendra sehwag and rahul dravid ahead of the mighty SACHIN RAMESH TENDULKAR..
SINCE WHEN HAVE ECONOMISTS TURNED INTO CONNOISSEURS OF THE GAME..when riders of the cricket- coutney walsh, fierce lukin ambrose,the bully glen macgrath...RAWALPINDI EXPRESS SHOIB AKHTAR, was at their peaks..this man sachin tamed them...HIS WILLOW ALWAYS STOOD TALL...he is an outlaw who always upped his ante...
lets see what shane warne has to say about him after he placed him at the top of his rankings...
“You have to watch India in India truly to appreciate the pressure that Sachin Tendulkar is under every time he bats. Outside grounds, people wait until he goes in before paying to enter. They seem to want a wicket to fall even though it is their own side that will suffer. This is cricket as Sachin has known it since the age of 16. He grew up under incredible weight of expectation and never buckled once – not under poor umpiring decisions or anything else. I place him very slightly ahead of Lara because I found him slightly tougher mentally.”....
“Beneath the helmet, under that unruly curly hair, inside the cranium, there is something we don’t know, something beyond scientific measure. Something that allows him to soar, to roam a territory of sport that, forget us, even those who are gifted enough to play alongside him cannot even fathom. When he goes out to bat, people switch on their television sets and switch off their lives.” –BBC Sports, on Sachin Tendulkar.
goosebumps...adrenaline....and true as rain!!!
as for sehwag and sachin...you cant compare god and human....can you????
Ranking is Mostly based on averages, Eg: Avg(2+3+3) = 2.66 and Avg of (0+0+8)=2.66,who is better???i dont need to explain this average analogy rite??....so mr economists please count the financial policies...thats your job....there is much more complexities involved in game of cricket...and it increases manifolds when sachin handles his willow on ground...dont do such stupid calculations man!!!!
o sachin o sachin wherevr is thy placed on such odios lists...you will be the THE YARDSTICK of cricket for ages to come...amen!!!
Friday, July 23, 2010
" ReLaTiOnShIt"
A bibliography: MY girlfriend...
EPILOGUE: my dear blog!!!! feeling empty today again bt isnt this emptyness ,that fire, which asks me to fill you up again......
chapter:BeGiNiNg oF An eNd
they broke up and lived happily ever after.............
think feminine .think alluring.think soft as rose petals and pristine as sea shells.. your guess would be as clear as a stop sign...ooops!!! i forgot :think b**bs...now leme say your guess would be as clear as a stop sign that i m talking about girl species!!!
A love struck guy asked me, DUDE “ARE THEY NORMAL???..i replied yeah i am a dude ..thanx...and then my response ranged from like..they don’t lick windows or pee on themselves..so by that measure they are normal...but ON A MORE PATIENT DAY... i would say “yeah SOME OF THEM are NORMAL......
chapter :SPEctrum AnAL(ySiS)
‘Din KhAAli KhAAli bartan haiN
aur raat hai jaise Anddha KuwAAn
iNn sOOni Andheri aankhon meiN
aansooN ki jagah aata hai dhUaan
jeene ki wajah toh koi nahin
marNey ka bahana dhoondta hai’...........
......when gulzar penned it down he meant it for those searching their aashiyanaas and aabudaanas...,,,bt what he missed is that it was equally suitable and apt for dose entangled in the web of a relationship....now since i have mentioned it.... skim through the lines once again and think for yourself!!!! am i justified in manipulating the lines????? yes i am as right as rain...
an author once lamented ,"relation ships are work"...For someone who's idolised the likes of juliet,would find that statement to be a bit of spirit crusher...it sounds clinical and definitely sucks the romance outa equation.but you will realise sooner or later that the statement is true to its words..the stories of lovers meeting through destiny and uniting againgst all odds, making it to marital bliss and living happily ever after is a thing fairy tails are made up of...real life is far removed from that fantasy...once the first flush is gone and you start to blink afer staring love lorn into your captive's eyes, the real story begins.NOT EVERY RELATIONSHIP CAN STAND THE TEST OF TIME.... soon realisation dawns on the love sick couple that such glossy romances are best restricted to novels and its probability in this conventational world is a fry cry.....
chapter xx EaRlY DaYs:
They say "By rule men are fool" and who better than women to make you one....GoD so miraculously posted assets on their body that they dont have to sweat it out to turn us into a buffoon in a jiffy...haah!!!God is so ill deliciously evil.......
when you first see them they seem so YOUNG -science fiction young
so LIVELY-like a delinquent kitten..
so INNOCENT-that when you ask them akal badi ya bhains..they instantly asks for their date of birth.....
you start using the word HONEY SO often that government should start asking you to pay Bees some royalty....
YOU PROMISE EACH OTHER to love till africa and china meets....till river jumps over the mountain....common guys... opium addicts are more alert than you !!!!
how can you be so naive to make such baseless promises....
but even here doppler effect shows its teeth...when the things come nearer u see it changing its nature...the same mouth that askd the date of birth seems to you blabbing and yakking all the time....o thy heaven!!!! why dont they understand there are so many incredible things or(JOBS) that you can do with human mouth...WHY WASTE IT BLABBING AND TALKING....
the same scince fiction “young” now behaves to its true meaning....they sneak inside of you and skulk around like U R vietnam or iraq for their USA-self....
“BUZZ-OFF” now becomes the catch phrase replacing overused “honey”...another classic case of why law should ask u to pay royalty to buzzing Bees for using their world terms incessantly....
if you previously proclaimed yourself as ACEGAMER...they try to turn you into ASSGAMER....U suddenly become an artist.an ARTIST is not someone who paints or sculpts but the one who pays all the bills and talks in detail about the not-so-important ants on the sidepath...that she saw sometimes back!!!! In a nutshell YOU BECOME BUSIER THAN ONE LEGGED MAN IN A BUTT KICKING CONTEST...
A complex aldehydu with valves of testosterone completely opened and releasing buckets of it inside him is at the heights of his ecstacy...smelling oestrogen around him he concocts this as any artist would do....:
“the church propagated the geocentric theory that sun revolves around the earth and earth is the centre of universe....
Then came Copernicus with heliocentric theory that its the earth that revolves around sun and sun is the centre of universe....
But now with his HELL-IOCENTRIC theory he refutes every other theories saying that its “you ” around which my world revolves....and guess what girl tags along with him....
HOW ARTISTIC ISNT IT!!!....copernicus must be cursing himself at this plight....
chapter xx NOs and BUTTs...
the most demoralizing syllable in english language is "NO and BUT"....and girls are all about nos and buts...but boys are all about BUTTS...
DuHaAiI:::hear them gals..having a healthy sexual apetite is not a crime.....
“When nothing else works, try falling in love”.being in love makes everything look better,”—
Whoever said this i reckon was a romantic who saw the world through rose tinted glasses and most importantly was in the first few months of his love affair....
It all starts with the”i have nothing to do from this wretched enterprise of love” theory.....suddenly a girl with rating 9.5+5%(tolerance) passes by and the same archimedes transforms into a Shakespearean mouth:oh!!! Cupid hast thou pierced me with thine sweet searing arrow””....
O’ below equator thing cease thy lustful quake!!!
Chapter xx
AfTeRmAtH Of a lOvEqUaKe...
As dey say GRAVITATION cannot be held responsible for people falling in love.....n neither it is responsible for people falling apart..its an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired which makes you stick together...however short it may be!!!!!!
To a bald man dandruff is a thrill...likewise a girl to a boy whose orkut profile proclaims him to be a “single” guy....but both as one would know will ask you to eject “something”....BOY!!!more than you want....
When you apply operation”soaring eagle” on their body...for some unknown phantom reasons they become truly Indian....do they have some “Indian “ chip inside...that triggers itself automatoically...
Their demands from you will increase like a 12 years old infant’s susu BUT when it comes to your demand(even if its just the one thing that boys ask from gals and they know it) they turn tighter than 10 years infant’s butt....
Ohhh..this topic seems to be unending so let me force it into a damped oscillation....
As i have realized Love and hate don’t seem to cancel each other out in a relationship.they can co-exist and drive you mad!!!! Sometimes you feel such rage that you can kill her...yet there are other times when you feel you need her more than ever...
They make you realize that you have that masculine power working correctly but then they even make you realize your feminine side..they make you cry......
Strange isn’t!!!even after what she does to you ..she is the only one who can really comfort you in her cotton arms....
spoilers:no offence intended towards anyone watsoever...read and enjoy..thats all my motive is...if somehow i have said something which hurt somebody..i am sorry....
-......please comment....
Monday, July 5, 2010
"Fieory"-the final theory
....Yeterday as i dragged my young feet homewards in the gathering dusk, i knew i had nothing better to do thereafter.....i felt engulfed in a deep melancholy...and then came some stray notes of Md. Rafi song.."pukarta chala hun main gali gali bahar ki..."and i felt, life is worth living yet...
it was around 2'o clock in the morning that my head struck 12... amidst so many nothings i was trying my hardest to regurgitate...bt there were no inkling of any euphoria that could help me feel better and boost the low self esteem i already had....suddenly my brain collided with the thought of large HADRON COLLIDER in geneva...
An unending cloud of queries enveloped me..."is the world hurtling towards the final theory of everything???..."will there be no more whys and hows???.."and if so, what might it look like..???..... Is this larger than life experiment gonna explain the very exitenz of homo sapiens???....where we came from and where is this universe moving???...et al......They say this would be the final "Aha" moment or "eureka" moment in our life....
Are they going to slot in more pieces to complete this unending jigsaw puzzleof our existence.....they say yes!!!!
This idea might be compelling but fragile too....isn't the term FINAL THEORY contradictory in itself.....can a theory be final????.Every following generation can stumble over the facts and topple the existing theory...
what i say is, there is a limit to our brain....there are very smart and intelligent dogs but you cant explain quantum physics to them or can you???...
its an intriguing thought...may be..just may be..this paradigm shift if at all it is coming..can it be done with a piece of paper and pencil????......i oppose this monumental idea because being final and truth makes the life boring...A limit should be set on INTELLIGENCE AND SURVIELLANCE...let me keep playing with my jigsaw puzzle...
it was around 2'o clock in the morning that my head struck 12... amidst so many nothings i was trying my hardest to regurgitate...bt there were no inkling of any euphoria that could help me feel better and boost the low self esteem i already had....suddenly my brain collided with the thought of large HADRON COLLIDER in geneva...
An unending cloud of queries enveloped me..."is the world hurtling towards the final theory of everything???..."will there be no more whys and hows???.."and if so, what might it look like..???..... Is this larger than life experiment gonna explain the very exitenz of homo sapiens???....where we came from and where is this universe moving???...et al......They say this would be the final "Aha" moment or "eureka" moment in our life....
Are they going to slot in more pieces to complete this unending jigsaw puzzleof our existence.....they say yes!!!!
This idea might be compelling but fragile too....isn't the term FINAL THEORY contradictory in itself.....can a theory be final????.Every following generation can stumble over the facts and topple the existing theory...
what i say is, there is a limit to our brain....there are very smart and intelligent dogs but you cant explain quantum physics to them or can you???...
its an intriguing thought...may be..just may be..this paradigm shift if at all it is coming..can it be done with a piece of paper and pencil????......i oppose this monumental idea because being final and truth makes the life boring...A limit should be set on INTELLIGENCE AND SURVIELLANCE...let me keep playing with my jigsaw puzzle...
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